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Video Project (educational & community licenses)

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Educational / Community Screening Resources
Buy the Educational/Community DVD
Free 20 page Discussion & Planning Guide
Pamphlet on Morgellons to give Doctors & Family Members

Buy the Educational DVD, download the free guide, and host a screening. Partner with a school, community organization, or business… or host in your own home.

The Educational DVD includes a limited public performance license which permits unlimited single site, non-theatrical, non- commercial, non-broadcast, internal use by the purchasing organization only. No admission fees may be charged, and no public uses are permitted (screening or use of the DVD with others outside the purchasing organization) unless a commercial license is purchased. These rights are non-transferable.

Skin Deep: The Battle Over Morgellons photos and materials are solely for personal, non-commercial use, provided any trademark, copyright or other notice from such content is not removed.